The Pet You Should Have, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The Pet You Should Have, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Domesticating animals as companions is a practice nearly as old as the study of astrology—so what better way to find the ideal pet for your personality and lifestyle than by looking to the stars

We asked our resident astrologer to recommend the pet you should have, based on your zodiac sign

Aries: Hamster

Aries are the bold and passionate leaders of the zodiac. You have a  fast-paced life and are always chasing down new opportunities

Taurus: Chickens

Tauruses are known for being patient and reliable. You can be stubborn, but your general vibe is mild-mannered and chill

Gemini: Chameleon

Geminis are known for being extroverted and friendly. No matter the  occasion, you're able to seamlessly blend in and make friends

Leo: Cat

Leos are the regal and refined kings of the jungle. You have a confident air of authority about you and aren't afraid to ask for what you want

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