The dumbest things people have done in US national parks

The dumbest things people have done in US national parks

A group of tourists in Yellowstone National Park filmed snowmobilers being chased by a bison

Four men tried to walk into the 160-degree geothermal hot springs in Yellowstone National Park

A woman graffitied her Instagram handle all over several National Parks

Two people decided to load up a bison calf into the back of their car. It later had to be killed

A woman smoked meth inside the hollow trunk of a 3,500-year-old tree. She started a fire and the entire tree burned down

Some tourists thought bear spray (pepper spray) worked like bug repellent and sprayed the hot chemicals all over their bodies

Boy Scout leaders in Utah cheered as they pushed over a 2,000-year-old rock formation because they thought it was dangerous

Many people have gotten too close to bison  in Yellowstone, often in hopes of snapping an amazing picture, but ended  up with serious injuries in the process